Tuesday, December 28, 2010

East Coast Park On Monday Morning

Standing on the beach.
The waves splashing and frothing.
I adore the beach.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Strange Encounter Part 3

Suddenly, all the phantoms were waken up!  They saw me and all of them became invisible.  I felt something shoved me up and I ended up floating.  The green shirt man introduced himself as Mr John William. He gave me a magic circle with rim that was made of wood. He asked me to look through the hole of the wooden circle.  I saw phantoms beneath me and they were carrying me!  A chill ran through my veins.  I felt giddy and fainted again.  I had fainted twice!!

When I woke up, I realised I was in a magnificent castle.   Just then, I saw somebody infront of me wearing a crown.  I guessed it was the king of the phantoms.  The crown was crusted with glittering jewels.  The king stood up and said that he wanted to reward me for saving all of the phantoms.  It granted me three wishes.

I wished that I could change into any animals for the first wish.  Then, I wished that I could be the best entertainer of the human world.  Finally, I wished that I could bring happiness and joy to everyone too.
"Boom!"  All my wishes were granted and I became a television!  I was  extremely disappointed and woke up from my terrible dream.

The end.

Strange Encounter Part 2

I knocked on the door and the door creaked open by itself.  I pushed on the door and went into the house.The green shirt man was sitting on the chair talking to the thin air. Suddenly, I heard another ghostly voice. Then, a phantom appeared out of no where. I was petrified and fainted.

About a few hours later, I woke up seeing myself lying on the floor. The green shirt man was gone and the room was empty.  I went back home and make myself a cup of tea and relaxed.  After that, I went to buy some eggs.  On the way, I did not notice there was a trap at the grocery store and fell into it.  I called for help but nobody heard me. 

The trap was covered fully and it was sound-proof.  Then, I realised it was a tunnel filled with phantoms!  The phantoms were all asleep.  Stealthily, I tip-toed and walked pass the phantoms.  I saw one phantom that looked familiar and I realised that it was the same phantom with the green shirt man previously in the mysterious house.   I saw the green shirt man with all his furniture in the tunnel!  I whisper to him and I asked why he did not kill me previously.   But he just keep quiet liked he was casted by a spell.  I asked him again and then he replied, "We did not want to hurt you because you gave me some marcaroni and saved me from getting killed  by the phantom."  Marcaroni was the phantom's favourite food.